LTE-0851-CETUS "Crocodilian Kraken"
5 (Immediate Response) N/A (Confirmed Destroyed, File Archived)
Description: LTE-0851-CETUS is a gigafauna (measuring approximately 100 meters long) displaying a mixture of crocodilian and cephalopodic traits. The body plan of the parathreat - with the exception of the head - was pentaradially symmetrical. The lower body of LTE-0851-CETUS terminated in five tentacles, radially arranged. The entity possessed five arms, each arranged along the same axis as the tentacles.
While the head was outwardly similar to that of a baseline crocodile, the entity possessed five eyes, arranged in an arc along the head. LTE-0851-CETUS had significant paranormal regenerative capabilities, allowing it to survive most conventional weaponry.
LTE-0851-CETUS possessed numerous unique thaumatological capabilities, including emission of large amounts of Elan Vital Energy, the ability to detect EVE patterns, the ability to cross certain thaumatological boundaries, and Red-IV Regenerative properties. It apparently used the EVE detection in order to hunt.
Shortly before its liquidation, LTE-0851-CETUS displayed the ability to release large quantities of thaumatological fire from its mouth. This characteristic was not previously observed, but has been conjectured to have been an ability LTE-0851-CETUS previously did not possess until the events surrounding its liquidation.
History and Liquidation: LTE-0851-CETUS was discovered in the North Atlantic Ocean following an attack on three commercial civilian vessels. An assessment team was deployed to investigate the matter and discovered the entity, as well as determining that the parathreat had previously been held by the Foundation.
Initial liquidation efforts were unsuccessful due to several factors. Following these, the decision was made to make an attempt in Greenland. However, the parathreat began to travel towards Hy-Brasil, due to outside thaumatological interference. Hy-Brasil is a sovereign, independent, parapolitical port off the coast of Ireland, with diplomatic relations with the Global Occult Coalition. Notably, Hy-Brasil could typically only be reached using thaumatological methods, with some paranormal organisms able to reach the island naturally.
LTE-0851-CETUS was successfully terminated on June 13, 1988, during the attack upon Hy-Brasil at the cost of significant damage to the island. As a result of the arrangement made with the monarchy of Hy-Brasil, the Coalition was forced to immediately retreat and was not allowed to interact with the corpse of the entity.
The current location of the corpse is unknown.
Parathreat Investigation
Special Observer:
"Mangrove" (73669274/6H3)
A gigafauna of unknown origin has been spotted in the Northern Atlantic Ocean.
Parathreat Evidence:
Following the unexplained disappearance of three civilian commercial vessels, Parathreat Investigators were deployed to examine the planned routes of the vessels for any paranormal interference.
Upon patrolling the route, a large entity came up on our sonar. It was much bigger than anything normal could be, so we took that as indication of a parathreat. We deployed a +1Gen submersible drone down to investigate.
The drone was able to easily find the entity, which was swimming and had not appeared to notice us. It's approximately 90 meters long at the moment and appears to be somewhat squid-like with elements of what appears to be a crocodile. We got a couple of photos, which I've attached.
Of note is that the entity seemed to have large scarring from what appeared to be military weapons. To me, this implies involvement from one of the major paranormal organizations as nobody else would fight this and keep it secret.
Suggested Response Requests:
Perform basic cover-up operations for the three civilian vessels that went missing - they were undoubtedly destroyed by this thing and have been lost.
Establish a no-go zone for the general area surrounding where the entity was spotted, so no more civilian vessels will be targeted by the entity.
Prepare a Rules of Engagement for the entity. Recommending a high Response Level, most likely 4 or 5. Immediate Liquidation should be preferred as this is one of the larger CETUS entities we've dealt with in a while.
Research where this thing could have come from. It seems a well-armed group had fought it in the past, but I doubt it is from this planet. Possibly alien, possibly extradimensional, possibly an ancient horror that got woken up?
AT/ST Patrol Report (Debrief)
Involved Assessment/Strike Team:
Filing Operative:
"Stormbreath" 96231847/0638
Mission (Location/Objective):
Locate LTE-0851-CETUS in the Atlantic Ocean and liquidate it.
Encounter Report/Enemy Description:
GOCS Viking and Ulysses sailed to the last location of LTE-0851-CETUS and easily found the parathreat. Once there, we fired multiple torpedoes at the parathreat. A majority of these torpedoes struck, but to no effect.
The parathreat then dove down deep, out of the range of our radar. Approximately 20 minutes later, we saw it coming up, right underneath the Viking. It grabbed onto the ship and ripped it apart. Afterwards, it dove beneath the waves again.
From that point, our mission turned into a rescue operation for the remaining crew. We quickly evaced any survivors and booked it before it came back for the Ulysses.
Personnel Condition:
487 casualties (487 fatalities, 0 injuries)
If you're going to fight this thing again, it cannot happen on water. This is its home turf and it will destroy anything you throw at it there. Lure it onto land and kill it there.
Following the failure to properly liquidate LTE-0851-CETUS in a naval setting, the decision was made to lure the entity to an appropriate terrestrial setting, in which PHYSICS Division operatives could properly prepare for an encounter.
Due to the position of LTE-0851-CETUS in the Northern Atlantic, it was concluded that the best location in which to liquidate it was a secluded beach on the western shore of Greenland. The government of Denmark was contacted and an agreement was reached to liquidate the entity in the previously determined area.
Operatives began to lure LTE-0851-CETUS north using EVE patterns, which it appeared the entity used to hunt. This strategy was successful and the parathreat began to travel towards the planned liquidation site.
However, plans did not go according to plan.
Unified Thaumatology Quarterly Vol. 75, No. 2, April 1988, pp. 53-68
International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology
Hy-Brasil Campus
By. A. Ketterley, L. Belacqua
The thaumatologic wards surrounding Hy-Brasil appear to be failing and are no longer properly protecting the city. These wards were established to prevent misfortune from occurring upon the island, which has resulted in a minor aura of thaumatologically good luck within the boundaries of the island. [1] Based upon prior indications of thaumalogic fortune auras, should the wards completely fail, the accumulated misfortune will collapse onto the island. [2]
The sudden reversal of probability within Hy-Brasil within a short time frame will likely have drastic repercussions on the island and the city located within. The exact nature of these repercussions are unknown, but could be drastic.
Based upon past results, it is expected that the failure of these thaumatologic wards will be accompanied by sudden, thaumatological meteorological patterns [3] as well as extremely high EVE patterns.
1. "Unnatural Laws of Probability Upon the Island of Hy-Brasil"; L. Caldwell et. al.; Unified Thaumatology Quarterly; Vol. 43, No. 2, April 1956, pp. 78-92.
2. "Negative Side-Effects of Prolonged Usage of Fortune Wards"; E. Murphy et. al.; Unified Thaumatology Quarterly; Vol. 59, No. 4, October 1972, pp. 10-32.
3. "Magic Storms and Failing Wards"; S. Fujiwara et. al.; Unified Thaumatology Quarterly; Vol. 06, No. 1, January 1919, pp. 37-45.
On June 13th, 1988, the wards surrounding Hy-Brasil suddenly and unexpectedly failed, resulting in immediate paranatural weather patterns and a sudden EVE spike. LTE-0851-CETUS was close to Hy-Brasil as a result of the GOC's intentions to terminate it in Greenland and immediately traveled towards Hy-Brasil instead.
LTE-0851-CETUS happened to be one of the few paranormal organisms capable of reaching Hy-Brasil under its own ability and it reached the island having sensed the large EVE spike. The Coalition was unable to immediately prepare a method of reaching Hy-Brasil and was delayed.
By the time the Global Occult Coalition was able to reach Hy-Brasil, LTE-0851-CETUS had already caused substantial damage to the infrastructure of the island, including the destruction of the palace. General Rockefeller immediately ordered heavy bombardment of the parathreat without regard for the existing infastructure, the majority of which had already been destroyed.
During the attack, LTE-0851-CETUS displayed the ability to breathe large amounts of thaumatologic fire, which had not been previously observed. It has been theorized that LTE-0851-CETUS needed a requisite amount of EVE in order to release such an attack, which it did not possess until it absorbed the large amount of EVE released by the fall of Hy-Brasil's wards.
The initial assault upon LTE-0851-CETUS was unsuccessful as a result of the entity's regenerative properties. Bombardment of the parathreat continued until General Rockefeller gave the order to deploy a Casaba-Howitzer Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon, which had been intended to use as a last resort.
The +2Gen-CHN was successful at liquidating the parathreat, but resulted in a significant amount of damage to the surrounding area of Hy-Brasil. During the resultant clean up and aftermath of the event, the heir apparent to the throne of Hy-Brasil commanded the Coalition to immediately withdraw. As a result, the GOC was not able to conduct proper clean up measures of LTE-0851-CETUS's remains.
Office of the Undersecretary General
Sender: General Rockefeller
Recipient: Madam Al Fine
Subject: Liquidation of LTE-0851-CETUS and Resultant Damage to Hy-Brasil
I am pleased to report that our operatives were able to kill LTE-0851-CETUS (the Crocodilian Kraken) on June 13th, 1988, in Hy-Brasil.
By the time we made it to Hy-Brasil, the city had already descended into chaos and ruin. The storm was bad enough to cause panic, and then a fire-breathing squid monster crawled out of the ocean. It was a recipe for disaster, and that is what happened.
We bombarded that beast with everything we had, but it regenerated from everything we threw at it. I burned a hole in it straight down to the bone and minutes later you couldn't even tell I did anything.
It took hours of blasting it with our most advanced weaponry for it to begin to falter. We shot at it with magic, with bullets, with fire, with plasma and they only slowed it down a little.
After all of our weapons had done nothing to it, I decided I had enough. The only weapon that had done much of anything was the Plasma Tanks and I came to the conclusion that energy weapons were our best option. Given that, the usage of the Casaba-Howitzer became justified.
Since that was the first field usage of the Casaba-Howitzer, I was expected to briefly address how it functioned: extremely well. It annihilated the parathreat. Left a hole right in its head that didn't grow back.
But that's my problem - the parathreat was not the only victim of the device. It destroyed far too much of the surrounding area of Hy-Brasil for my standards. Initial reports of the incident have indicated that there were several hundred civilian casualties as a result of the deployment of the device. The Casaba-Howitzer was not justified.
The decision to use the Casaba-Howitzer was entirely my own. None of my men were responsible and those that activated it were only following orders. The deaths of those caused as a result of the weapon's deployment are my responsibility.
Madam Al Fine, I am filing a court-martial against myself for violations of Third Mission Concerns. Regardless of their findings, I will be retiring from service as I can no longer view myself as equitably acting out the good of the world.
I have failed the Coalition and, more importantly, humanity.
General Rockefeller was tried by the Council of 108 for violations of Third Mission (Protection) Concerns and was found Not Guilty, by reason of the primacy of the First Mission (Survival) over the Third Mission. The liquidation of LTE-0851-CETUS was deemed to be a significant enough threat to First Mission Concerns as to necessitate the complete abandoning of all other Missions. Thusly, the deployment of the Casaba-Howitzer Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon was excusable.
Based upon the testimony and insistence of General Rockefeller, further usage of the +2Gen-CHN has been permanently suspended by the Global Occult Coalition for general usage. However, the Council of 108 has retained the right to deploy the +2Gen-CHN in high priority decisions, as decided by the Council of 108.
Following this acquittal, General Rockefeller voluntarily retired from the Global Occult Coalition service.